What Does a Neuropsychological Assessment Involve?



  1. The initial part of the Neuropsychological Assessment involves an interview. In this interview we discuss your background medical, psychiatric and educational history and your current concerns. It is also often important sometimes to interview your next of kin, carer or close friend. This will enable us to gain a better understanding of your history and current circumstances.

  2. The second part of the Neuropsychological Assessment involves the completion of various standardized paper and pencil / computer tasks. These tasks are specifically chosen to assess your referral question. The cognitive skills assessed include your abilities such as general attention / concentration, speed of thinking, general intellect, language functioning, visuo-spatial perception, new learning and memory, and higher level thinking skills including problem solving, reasoning and planning and organization.

  3. The Neuropsychological Assessment typically requires approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the referral question.

  4. If required, the assessment can be completed over more than one session (for example, if you suffer from mental fatigue following a brain injury or dementia).

  5. Following the assessment, your results are analyzed and interpreted in regards to your referral question. A detailed Neuropsychological Report will be provided to your referring doctor, insurer or rehabilitation / community service. Detailed Neuropsychological Reports are typically available within 5 business days of the completion of the assessment.

  6. A follow up verbal feedback session will be provided to all privately funded individuals (and other assessments as required). Feedback sessions provide you and your family the opportunity to better understand the nature of the cognitive difficulties you are experiencing and the reasons for them. We also aim to provide you with the knowledge to make changes to your life in order to assist you, and / or your families to compensate for these difficulties.



  • Total cost can vary across assessments, depending on severity of injury and referral questions.

  • Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessments typically require approximately 3-5 hours of preparation / client contact time, in addition to approximately 3-5 hours for test scoring, interpretation and neuropsychological report preparation. Feedback / Summary preparation, and any further liaison with referring agents / professionals as required.

  • Our practice generally incorporates a telephone feedback session with all privately referred patients / families and other services as required.

  • We will discuss all fees with each client prior to the booking of an assessment.

  • Medicare bulk billing is not available for Neuropsychological Assessments at present.

  • A few Private Health Funds do provide some coverage (patient will need to approach their own fund to discuss this).

  • We are recognized providers with the Lifetime Care and Support Authority, and also the Workers Compensation (iCare Workers Care) scheme.

  • We routinely work with all Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurers.

  • We are a registered provider with the NDIA and can see NDIA, Plan and Self managed participants.

  • We are a registered provider with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA).

  • Workcover Assessments / CTP or other Insurance assessments may be covered directly by the Insurance company. We can directly applying for funding approval where a referral is provided by your GP or other specialist if you are covered by insurance. Please contact us to discuss.

Non English Speaking Clients

  • Qualified interpreters can be arranged to attend Neuropsychological Assessments (extra fee involved).

  • Family members / friends are not able to interpret for the individual.

  • Further details regarding this will be discussed on referral.